Thursday 6 February 2014

Day One of my Internship

I should begin by explaining that my internship is more like participating in a class than what the other students do, but it's just as fun. I assist Dr.Herb Agan in his Parenting course (getting papers, helping set up the class), which is focused on the mental growth of adolescents and adults together.
The first class was more of an introduction to get to know all the people in the class and the general flow. I learned new things about what the "psych" in "psychology" actually means (did you know that psych in Greek means flutterby, which is another word for butterfly? I didn't.) I learned that many figures in psychology focus a lot on the brain and the mind aspects of psychology, but many Jungian psychologist focus on the heart and the emotions of people, and less about the hard science. I learned that while kids are going through adolescence, where they figure out who they are, parents go through Middlescence, where they have to figure who they are in separation from their kids.

The class consists of mostly discussions of why teenagers are they way they are (in relation to their environment) and how and in what ways parents play a role. The topics covered span over family, education, friends, the environment and the parenting of parents when they were kids.

I'm really excited for the next class and I can't even aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

This is a picture of me outside the Jungian Center :D

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